[cgi-prototype-users] dispatch and rendering with HTML::Seamstress under CGIP
Terrence Brannon
2005-08-29 10:12:42 UTC
This is more of an FYI post than anything. I've had the website
http://www.gimblerus.com under the control of CGIP for about 6-8
months now and it is great. This note explains the things I do because
(a) I don't under CGIP::Hidden and (b) because I use HTML::Seamstress
instead of tt as my rendering engine.

First, let's look at a finished page:


Ok, the first thing is notice the query parameter "task" with value
"show_rules"? That allows the CGIP script named "x" to figure out what
page we are on via module called Gimble::Dispatch. Gimble::Dispatch is
just a hash from this query parameter to a Gimble::Page::* class.